Sunday, October 31, 2010

Puppets and Sharpeners

It's been a good week! Now I am trying to get all my grading done on a Sunday afternoon because I have been having fun all weekend!

The puppet group has started and I am so excited! I can't believe how much fun it is to have some girls excited about putting on puppet shows for kids. We have only been meeting for a couple weeks, but I am looking forward to what's in store for the future. We are planning a puppet skit and some songs do perform after Thanksgiving. We hope to perform for the two little kid chapels at school and also for children part of other ministries in the area. Now we just need to make sure we get a stage constructed within the month.

Not only is the puppet ministry going well, but the mentoring program that was started at our school by a couple teachers is also thriving. Each teacher involved is mentoring two or three high school students. Friday night we had an outing with all the girls involved in the Sharpeners program. It was so fun hanging out with the high school students and seeing them outside of the classroom. I think they enjoyed seeing their teachers outside of the classroom too! One student in particular really has a hard time seeing us a real people! It was very entertaining talking to her! We enjoyed going out for pizza even though we were probably the loudest people there! I think one of the teachers with us might have been a bit embarrassed! Oh well, kids will be kids I guess. Even high schoolers! My prayer is that the connections we make with the students would really impact them and how they live their lives. My hope is that they would feel comfortable talking with us and opening up and sharing what's really on their hearts. May God use me well...

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